Exploring Creativity Through Artful Writing


This unique creative writing program invites your child to discover the profound connection between visual art and the written word.

Through guided immersion in the world of gallery art works, we take your child on a journey and let the strokes of a brush or the play of colors ignite your child’s imagination.

Over the course of 6-weeks, participants will delve into the heart of various art pieces at art galleries in Asheville, unraveling their own stories that lie beneath the canvas. From vibrant abstracts to timeless masterpieces, each gallery visit becomes a wellspring of inspiration for crafting their own narratives.

Program Objectives

Inspire Creativity

Synthesize visual art into imaginative storytelling.

Enhance Skills

Refine observational and comprehension skills.

Build Community

Connect with like-minded peers.

Foster Collaboration

Engage in group activities and discussions.

Encourage Confidence

Promote creative risk-taking.

Cultivate Appreciation

Develop a deeper appreciation for art and artful writing.

This program takes place over 6-weeks.

Each week will be a 2 hour session at an art gallery in Western North Carolina.

    • Welcome and program overview.

    • Icebreaker games to get to know each other.

    • Introduction to visual storytelling: What is it and how does it work?

    • Explore a selection of art pieces.

    • Group discussion on first impressions of the artworks.

    • Writing exercise: Create a short story or description based on one art piece.

    • Review of last week's stories.

    • Discussion on what makes a compelling character.

    • Art exploration: Select a new set of artworks focusing on characters within them.

    • Writing exercise: Create detailed character profiles based on selected artworks.

    • Group sharing and feedback.

    • Recap of character development.

    • Discussion on the importance of setting in storytelling.

    • Explore new artworks that emphasize different settings.

    • Writing exercise: Describe a setting inspired by an artwork, incorporating sensory details.

    • Group sharing and constructive feedback.

    • Review previous weeks' characters and settings.

    • Introduction to plot development and story arcs.

    • Explore art pieces that suggest a sequence of events.

    • Writing exercise: Outline a story plot using characters and settings developed earlier.

    • Group sharing and refining story outlines.

    • Brief recap of story outlines.

    • Tips and techniques for writing a first draft.

    • Writing time: Begin drafting the full story.

    • Individual support and guidance from facilitators.

    • Group sharing of drafts and peer feedback.

    • Begin revision: Focus on clarity, detail, and flow.

    • Review and discussion on the importance of revision.

    • Guided final revisions.

    • Writing time: Prepare stories for publication.

    • Design and format final written pieces for a polished look.

    • Practice presentation skills.

    • Presentation time: Each child shares their story with the group.

    • Group discussion and positive feedback.

  • Join us for the Gallery Tales Kids Open Mic Showcase held at a local event space! This special event is the grand finale of our 6-week program, where young storytellers receive their published work and share their creative journeys.

    Watch as kids present their unique stories inspired by art, showcasing their growth and imagination. It's a celebration of creativity, expression, and hard work—come support our budding writers and enjoy an afternoon or evening of captivating tales!

A rich blend of North Carolina Arts standards and English Language Arts (ELA) standards

We foster holistic development in students while promoting creativity, expression, and literacy skills. Here's how Gallery Tales aligns with these standards…

English Language Arts Standards

  • RL.2: Determine themes or central ideas and analyze their development.

    RL.3: Analyze characters, settings, and events within a story.

    RL.4: Determine word meanings and phrases in context.

    RL.5: Analyze the structure of texts and how elements contribute to meaning.

  • W.1: Write arguments, informative/explanatory texts, and narratives with clear reasoning and evidence.

    W.3: Develop narratives with effective techniques, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

North Carolina Arts Standards

  • VA.Cr2: Create using elements and principles of design, organizing and developing artistic ideas.

    VA.Cr3: Refine and complete artistic work.

  • AH.C.1: Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the arts.

    AH.C.2: Recognize how personal experiences, culture, and history influence artistic work.

  • CR.Cr1.1: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

    CR.Cr1.2: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Gallery Tales provides a dynamic platform for students to engage with both visual art and the written word, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and appreciation for the arts.

We aim to offer flexibility to participants while ensuring financial sustainability. Participants can select the tier that best aligns with their financial capacity. These prices reflect the 5 week program. Scroll down to view the semester long program.

Pricing Tiers



This tier represents the full cost of the program and includes a generous contribution to support the accessibility of the program for others. Choosing this tier helps subsidize scholarship positions for participants with financial need.



This tier covers the basic cost of the program and reflects the standard fee. Participants choosing this tier contribute to the overall expenses, ensuring the program's continued availability.

Scholarship Assistance

This tier is designed for participants with financial limitations, offering a more affordable option while still contributing to program costs.


Discounts for siblings and scholarships are available. Please let us know you’re interested in one or both of these when filling out the form.


Ages 8-13